What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The budget for our film is considerably reasonable in comparison to the other films which we have researched for our pitch. Our budget for our film is approximately £15 million. I researched the distributors for the films which I have previously mentioned and which appear in the pitch which we created for our film; we used these films as further influence and inspiration to help us develop our very own conventions and other concepts for our film.
We chose Columbia to be the distributor of our film because Columbia has previously distributed films which have the conventions of the following genres: dark humour/horror/thriller - one of the reasons that we chose to have Columbia ad our distributor is because the studio distributes films which have the similar genres which relates to our film. I used IMDB to research if Columbia has distributed towards a film which has similar aspects to our film (a zombie apocalypse) I could not find a zombie film which has been distributed by Columbia so I assume that they have not. We desire Columbia to be our distributor because of the particular genres which relate our film. Columbia has distributed films which take on the role of horror but not a zombie film, from the information which I have gathered; Columbia distributes films which may have relatively high budgets (our budget is £15 million). Columbia distributes films which have similar target audiences to our particular film.
'Spider Man Three' had a worldwide gross of $891 million. I can deduce from this that it is quite successful
from the worldwide gross which has been established from this film alone.
Sony Pictures:
We had considered Sony Pictures to be our distributor. However, by researching the budgets for the films which Sony Pictures distribute are relatively higher than our budget. Therefore, we could not have Sony Pictures to be our distributor. Sony Pictures mainly considers more humour/drama films.For example, Sony Pictures distributed the classic 'Oliver Twist'. However, Sony Pictures distributed Zombieland which is potentially a film similar to ours with its target audience and similar conventions.
20th Century Fox:
From our research; we established that 20th Century Fox distributed one of the films we used as an influence/inspiration for our particular film (28 Days Later). The target audience is relatively different in comparison to our target audience. Therefore, this distributor would not be suitable for our film due to the difference in target audience; the target audience for this particular distributor is teenagers/young adults. Certificate - 12-15. The target audience for 20th Century Fox is too low for the target audience which we desire (18-25) we will not be using 20th Century Fox as our distributor.
We have looked at various distributors to see which one would be most suitable for our film; we believe that Columbia should be our distributor because of the similarities in which our film has to films which have been distributed by Columbia and the similar target audiences which our film shares.
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