Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Evaluation: Part Two

Who would be the audience for your product?

I can deduce that the target audience for my film would be for adults (18-25) as it is a dark comedy/horror/thriller film. I think that it would appeal to the target audience which I have stated; The characters (three main protagonists) that are shown in the title sequence are young people which are shown together as friends. I think that my product would appeal to my audience because it relates to their age, the protagonists have a similar age to those who would be viewing my film. I think that the older audiences would like my product because of the zombie apocalypse concept going on for generations in film. We also wanted our particular target audience to be close to other zombie films so that our target audience could relate themselves more with our characters. We looked at the age rating for various films: 28 Days Later (18); 28 Weeks Later (18); Evil Dead (18) and Zombieland (15). I think that my films would be certified to be an 18 plus (18-25 preferably). We also had a group discussion about the target audience concept and we all agreed that our target audience should be 18-25; this is also stated in our pitch for our film.

As a group, we handed out questionnaires with one particular question which asked people which age our protagonists should be for our film. We gathered our information and received feedback with the following age ratings:
  • 18-26
  • 20-30
  • 15 Plus  
We had to play as our characters (protagonists) for our film so therefore, it would be more ideal if our age rating for our characters would be nearer to our potential age. We also wanted the target audience to be similar to the age ratings from other zombie films which I previously stated. We had discussed the ages which we should decide on and it has been confirmed that it is 18-25.

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